Why do I love Python? ... Why do I hate Python?


Before The cloud era, software engineers used to build system modules and services by hands. they needed strong and powerful tool to do such job. Java/C# is one of them.

After the cloud era, all what engineers need to do is to choose the right service and glow them together.

Python is the best glow brand in the market. it is cheap, fast, strong and easy to use.

Why do I love Python?

  • An easy to learn language.
  • Core data structure. nice set of functions with easy to remember names
  • It only takes a few minutes to write a working program.
  • Open access to huge variety of existing libraries and algorithms
  • Very easy to get high performance when you need it (on a single machine)

Why do I hate Python?

  • Issues can be buried for long times before it is discovered.
  • There are many ways to get the same thing done. required a lot of discipline if you want to keep things consistent and clean
Written on October 3, 2017